This is my husband Joe trying to tell me not to take his picture, but as you can clearly see I did it anyway lol. My cat Sassy is napping on his lap. She's my special kitty. I baby her just like she is one of my kids. She went through a rough patch in her kitty years and was so strong willed that she made it through. She had distemper, it's been about 4 years ago now. We had brought in some little kittens that were born outside in a bush to help the mother care for them, well they were sick. That's how Sassy got sick, but luckily she had started on her shots and we caught it in time. She was in the kitty hospital for 7 days hooked up to an IV and on straight antibiotics. The vet said he didn't think she was going to make it so he told us to come and visit her one last time. I got there and seen her and how weak she was and I just bawled. I told her how much I loved her and that I wanted her to be strong and fight. We left the vets, went home and I sobbed some more thinking that I would never see my baby again. The next day the vet called me, I thought he was going to give me bad news, but instead he said you are not going to believe this, but Sassy has made a complete turn around and is wanting out of the cage and wants to eat. He said he's never seen a cat make it through distemper like she had and said she is a miracle cat. From that day on she continued to fight and got stronger and stronger. She went from 5 lbs. up to 12 lbs that she is now. She loves for me to rock her in the rocking chair and sing to her, she's just like a human child lol.
Thanks for reading if you got this far : )